My companion and I were able to skype a member from Portugal the other day! It was pretty exciting and fun. She is from Enland living in Portugal and is about to put in her mission papers to serve a mission. She wants to come to the US! Its great to know the language is coming. Its great to know how much the Lord helps you in accomplishing His work.
We are learning a lot about charity, the pure love of Christ. It really is. Two times a week we get up and go do service (one we have to wake up early!). But it is fun and great. Of course it is scheduled service and we don't really have a choice but it still counts for something. But charity is one of the attributes of Christ that everyone can grow on and is definitley one of the most important things we can do. At one our devotionals, Kelly Mills spoke. His talk was centered on charity. One of the things that he said that stook out to me the most was when he said, "Focus on the edges and the center will take care of itself." Or in other words, focus on others and we will be taken care of. I know this is true. The Lord will take care of us when we take care of other people, God's children. We are all God's children, brothers and sisters. So lets act like it. Lets love each other, stop judging, and serve one another will all purpose of heart. So many of us want to become like Christ. One of the best ways to do this is to have charity. For if we think like Him, we will become like Him.
-Elder Nelson
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