Monday, February 16, 2015


Study, study, study. I think I have studied more at the MTC in the past 3 weeks than I have in my whole life. But it is amazing and I love it. There is nothing better to learn than the Gospel of Jesus Christ and how to share it. I love the people here. Everyone wants to become the best they can and wants to grow to become as Christ is. How great is that?!

Our schedule is packed. One thing after the next after the next. There is little time to breath. But there is no better way to do it! There is no time being wasted! Because this time is the time of the Lord! No distractions! 100% obedience! There is no other way the Lord would want it. This is how we all should strive to live our lives.

One great thing that I am coming to learn here at the MTC is faith. Faith in Jesus Christ is the first principle and ordinance of the Gospel. It is the foundation and the first step to personal conversion. It is one of the most important things to recognize and strive to have more in your life. Faith is not a one time thing, it is not an event or obstacle to get over, it is a principle of the gospel that must be lived every second, every hour, and every day. Faith in Jesus Christ can lead to so many great things. Faith is one of the things anyone can improve on. As I began teaching lessons in Portuguese, I lacked faith. I was nervous and wondered how I could ever teach a good lesson and worried about what I would say. The second I realized I needed faith and had faith that the Lord will help me, is the second that the lesson begin to reach the investigator's heart. We all need to strive to have faith in what we do and have faith that if we obey God's commandments and live worthily to the best of our ability, the Lord will prepare us a way.

-Elder Nelson

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