Monday, February 16, 2015


Yesterday we did the fast of English, no English all day and only Portuguese. It was definitely hard to do but pretty fun! Our district seems to be a chosen district and we get to do all sorts of fun things. We were filmed by an Italian film crew for some training video, we get to travel to a place where they have a classroom set up that they are testing and we give our feedback, and now we will be a class for a teacher examination! It is pretty awesome! 

The MTC is going great just as the past weeks! It is a great experience to learn so much every day! With no distractions, so much is accomplished. Exact obedience is the only way to go! We love each other in our district and zone. Love is everywhere and everyone is there for it when you need it.

We watched the movie on Joseph Smith the other day. And something stood out to me. It said Joseph was called in his weakness and the Lord made up the difference. How profound is that! I think it is true for all of us! We are all called in our weakness, every one of us, we agreed to this calling to come to earth. We all knew there would be sickness hardships and difficulties but through them we are able to return back to God's presence and live with our families through all eternity! How great is that! All eternity with the ones you love with complete happiness. We are called in our weakness, in the world, in our daily lives, in everything. I know I am called in my weakness as a missionary but the Lord is making up the difference through my trust in Him. 

-Elder Nelson

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