Monday, December 12, 2016

Missáo Brasil Cuiabá

Missionary Training Center (6 weeks)

It was like drinking from a fire hose as we explained it. It was crazy, but super spiritual. All of the studies and all of the food! The weekly devotionals, weekly temple, missionary choir, service projects, and unlimited letters and boxes. I will never forget it.

Mesa, Arizona (6 weeks)

The first area in the field. I had the opportunity to use an ipad and a car. We had a temple and a visitors center close by to use to our advantage. We had a miracle march. The entire mission tried to find people to reach the goal of 200 baptisms in march, and we did it. There were a lot of members and a lot of great people. We had the easter pageant, a show about the life of Christ. I passed in Mesa at the best time.

Ponta Porã (5 weeks)

Brazil! Different language, different food, and different culture. It was a huge shock for me. I had a lot of headaches because all of the confusion I had. A lot of the time I just had to nod my head and agree to what what was happening. Weird grass drinks that everyone drinks and a lot of crazy, friendly people, where am I?

Rondonópolis (24 weeks)

Heat! I started to understand portuguese. I got to serve in a branch that is having meetings in a rented house. There was a church being constructed that we got to help prepare for. We did a lots of service projects and got really nice tans.

Alta Floresta (24 weeks)

Almost in the jungle! Tons of birds, animals, and forest! Literally the name of the city is tall forest. We had our meetings in a school until we were able to rent house to have our meetings in. It was a super awesome experience, the church was really new there. It was a new branch. It didnt even have a district because it was so long from other church units. It belongs to the mission this branch. I loved it.

Maracaju (17 weeks)

The church was old in Maracaju but is still a branch. We had a lot of challenges but we worked super hard. A lot of planning and a lot of numbers. I worked the hardest i have worked in my life. But we had fun at the same time. 

Dourados (18 weeks)

The golden city. We were having meetings at a rented house but we were able to prepare with the ward to move into a church building that was made for the ward. It was great. Everyone was excited for the new building and when it was dedicated, everyone was super happy. 

My mission was the best thing. I learned to live and love the gospel. I got to know Jesus Christ. 

-Elder Nelson


We had open houses this week, the dedication of the new church building, and we had our first meeting in the building. It was a spiritual experience really strong. Several people cried and shared their experiences of how hard they have worked to earn the building. Im so glad that i was able to see the building constructed, dedicated, and used. I will miss Dourados.

We invited tons of people to see the church building and this was the week that our zone worked the hardest. We were all able to meet the standard of excellence. We are all happy.

Everyone have a great week!

-Elder Nelson


This week should be exciting. We have open houses Tuesday to Friday and the dedication will be Saturday. Finally we will be able to open the new church building. We are excited to invite everyone and use this opportunity to its maximum. 

We had a mission conference this week and it was pretty great. We talked a lot about the Spirit and the Book of Mormon. They both are essencial tools in conversion and without them, no one can recieve a longing conversion. 

Trials are essencial to our progression. It seems like things get more difficult at times but God is giving us what we need to progress. We are on an eternal progression. We are made to be tested and tried so we can grow. Only through the acception of these trials we can truly accept our devine potential. We should appect the challenge and not back down. There are several tasks in our lives. And we are to work until we accomplish them. Through these things we will learn that in the sweat of our face shalt we eat bread, untill we return to the ground.

Everyone have an amazing week! 

-Elder Nelson


We had an open house on the 15th and it was great! It was awesome to see the church building, its really cool. We had a lot of visits and we grabbed a lot of people on the road to show them the church. A lot of people loved the building and we were able to meet a lot of great people through showing them the church building.
We are meeting a lot of great people and we are excited to see them progress. It is so great when we meet someone that really wants to change. We can't progress if we dont wan to change.
We were able to bring a few people to church this sunday and the experience was great. It was a lot of work but we are learning every day that after the trials of our faith, we can recieve the blessings that we deserve.
Everyone have a great week and an awesome thanksgiving!
-Elder Nelson


The 15th we will have our first open house for our new church building. We are excited to see the building. It seems like everyone has seen the building except us. But we are inviting everyone to the open houses. We are talking to several people every day inviting them to see the church. Everyone is excited. We have one member who is leaving to Africa this week and another who opened her call to serve in Chile.

We are trying harder to focus on our investigators that want to progress. There are several people that we meet that dont understand what we teach and dont understand our purpose. We want to move their lives for the better. We aren't just there to tell them about our church. 

There are several tests that we will face in our lives. And the most of them will come in times of difficulty. When we are in a difficult time we will be tested to see if we will follow God or not, and according to our choice, He will bless us or not. We are seeing this every day in our work. We encounter several people in hard times and God puts us there to see if they will listen. Sadly, very few choose God in these moments. Very few pass their tests. But those who do are blessed immensly.

Everyone have an amazing week!

-Elder Nelson


We made a Jack-O-Lantern this p-day. It was a fun experience. We put it in front of our house and we had several people passing by, talking about it, and taking pictures. It was a good day.
We are trying to do our best here as the new church building approaches. We should be having a lot of open houses starting the 15th and we should have the dedication the 2nd of December. We are all super excited and we will work hard.
We are planning to invite everyone in the city, well all that we can. We will print thousands of invites and we will give to everyone we see. It should be a lot of work but it should be good.
Everyone have an amazing week!
-Elder Nelson


This week has been great! I got a little sick with a throught infection but everything turned out great. We worked super hard this week and we were able to baptise 3 of our investigators! We are super happy!

Transfer came in today and it looks like i will stay here! We are excited because about all of us will stay and we are going to work hard this transfer and do our best!

We talked a lot in church yesterday about when we have the spirit and what leads us astray in the church. We need to seek to love everyone, and Always seek to have the influence of the spirit in our lives. If we are living in a way that we feel negative things and feel lazy, we arent living the way that we are supposted to. The Spirit uplifts and with Him we will feel only good things. This is the way we should live our life. This is the way we should evaluate our life frequently, Do we have the Spirit?

Everyone have an amazing week and an awesome Holloween!

-Elder Nelson

Sunday, October 30, 2016


This week has been a challenge. We believe that we are being tested. We had to travel this week and we both got a little sick. I even lost my voice for a few days. So it was super difficult to meet our goals but we were able to. 

We were able to mark baptimal dates for three of our investigators for this week. We are really happy and excited for them. This week will be amazing. 

Our zone is really excited and working hard. We are raising the bar in everything to find the potential in everyone. 

-Elder Nelson


This week started a little bumpy. It rained a lot and we had to travel this week. But it seemed that yesterday all our hard work payed off and a lot of miracles happened. 

We visited a contact that we did and he has been waiting for the missionaries to talk to him 10 years. He had helped paint a church building one time and always wanted to learn about the church. He has prayed to find the true church but read a scripture that told him to wait. It was super awesome to teach him, he understood the message completely.

We also visited with a guy who is in college. He told us he had a few questions and we got a little scared that he would throw at us a lot of doubts that he found on the internet. But instead he asked us real questions about what we believe to do bad for our bodies and all sorts of things. At the end of his questions he asked what he needs to do to be baptised and he said he would do what it takes to get there.

We also marked the baptism of our friend who got married last week for next week. We are super excited and super proud that he made this decision. 

We are seeing miracles and things will only get better from here. Hard work pays off.

Everyone have an amazing week!

-Elder Nelson


We had the opportunity to marry one of our investigators this week! They have a bus that goes around the city and does things such as marrage for free. Because normally, marrage is a little spendy. So it was a super cool experience to help them complete another step to Christ. 

The ward is preparing several ideas to prepare for the dedication of the new church building in November. We will invite everyone, all the members, all the people we encounter on the road, all the local government, and a lot more to participate in the dedication. We are excited to visit and invite everyone. We are going to work hard for this. I just hope i stay around long enough to see the dedication. 

We had a lot of things that came up this week that we were almost not able to meet our goal. But it seemed that a miracle happend and people started to call us over to teach them. We were super surprised but it was great. We were able to meet our goals and meet tons of awesome people. We are excited for all that will come, and it will be a lot. 

Everyone have an amazing week!

-Elder Nelson


General conference! We watched general conference this week and it was great! I always have a hard time understanding because i see their lips speaking english, i hear english in the background, but there is portugese in the front. But other than this confusion, it was super great. There were tons of great talks that can help each one of us. 

"When we sincerely repent, our sins disappear without a trace." The most amazing thing that has ever happened in our history is this fact. Through Christ, we can progress. Without Christ, we would be lost. I love the opportunitiy that i have every day to share this doctorine. Doctorine so simple but so deep. We have the capability to obey every commandment that God gives us, It just depends on our desire. We need to want to obey. And when we dont obey, we have the opportunity to sincerely repent and continue on the path of eternal progression. 

Everyone have a great week! 

-Elder Nelson


The trasfer has happened and everyone arrived. My comanion, Elder Mercês is super cool. He draws really good. It seems like we will have a good time together. 

The church building is approved for october 7th and we are doing everything we can to prepare for this day. We are talking to several people on the road and inviting them to the open houses that we will have. When the new church building is ready, we will start english class again and we will start a drawing class. We are excited along with all the members for this experience. It will be amazing. 

I love the opportunity to share the gospel. Every chance we have, we should share the thing that to us is so special. 

Everyone have a great week!

-Elder Nelson


Transfers! My companion, Elder Freire, ended his misson. I will recieve a new companion, Elder Merces. It looks like i will stay here in Dourados a little bit longer. Its crazy here with eveyone leaving and arriving but we are all excited, it should be a good transfer. 

This week was interesting, it seemed like everyone got sick, we had to go to the hospital a few times and this week was just full of adventure. But it was good. We are enjoying the political excitement that is happening. Everyone that is running for something has little cards that that they give to everyone. We are collecting like pokemon. 

The members are getting excited here because October 7th, the church building will be dedicated. So after several years in a rented house will finally come to an end. The new church building is super pretty and everyone in the city is seeing it. Everyone is getting ready to invite their friends. So we will have a lot of work to do this upcoming month, it should be great. 

I am learning that no work is in vain. The Lord will do His work one way or the other, but how great it is if we are on His side doing our best too. 

Everyone have a great week!

-Elder Nelson


This week we did splits in my old area, Maracaju. We went there to do some baptismal interviews with some investigators that are preparing for baptism. It was good seeing Maracaju again along with a lot of the people there. I did a split with my old companion, Elder Craig, and we did a lot of street contacts and lessons with new investigators. At one hour, all of our plans had fell through and we didn't know what to do. Just then two of our old investigatos, whom Elder Craig and his companion had lost contact with, showed up in their car. They stumbled out of their car to greet me. It was super awesome to see them again. We met them through the english class that we set up. We were able to meet with them and teach them about the Book of Mormon. They also gave us a ride back to Dourados the next day. Its a super crazy thing that happened but awesome how the Lord works. 

It was sad to see one of our investigators not accept our invite this week. We taught him about the restoration and the Book of Mormon. We taught him about how Christ established the perfect church but after His death and the deaths of His apostles, His church was lost. We taught him how all the things, lost and confused, were restored through a modern day prophet. We taught him how he could know all these things for himself. And he simply said that if he would go to a church, he will go to the church where his mom goes... Its pretty sad to see all our effort these past few visits turn out like this. But whats important is now is that he knows.

We are learning a lot through the process of increasing our efforts in the people we talk to, the people we teach, and the people we invite. This way we are able to find those that are ready. Ready for an eternity of happiness without end. 

Everyone have an amazing week! 

-Elder Nelson


We traveled to Ponta Porã for a mission conference this week. We had a lot of trainings and it was a great experience. We learned a lot about teaching and how we can improve our teaching to see better results. We also learned a lot about agency. Free agency doesnt excist. Agency leads to freedom or captivity, depending if we choose good our bad. We have our agency and others have theirs. These things make up our daily life. 

We also had an activity this week. The name of the activity was master chef. All the members brought a food and we had a competition. The visitors were the judges. Its was super fun and there was some foods that were delicious. We are excited to see everyone get excited with the activities that we are doing. There are going to be some great things that happen here.

Happy Labor day to everyone!

-Elder Nelson 

Tuesday, August 30, 2016


Every time I start to write an email, I have to erase everything and start again because I start in Portuguese, its difficult. This week was great! We are improving a lot as a zone and as a district. (the photo) 

Elder Freire and I found a lot of cool people this week. We met a guy who has a lot of questions about religion. He belived in God but didn't know how he should act. So we were super happy to help him out. We also met a family. The famly was taught by missionaries a year or so ago. The father remembered how the missionaries taught about dispensations so it was great to teach him based off of what he already knew. They are all interested in our english class. 

We had some pretty great lunches this week, im gonna gain some weight in this area! There are some pretty awesome desserts that the members are making for us here... Ah, so good!

I love the gospel, the cure for anything. I had several awesome experiences this week that i can testify of the gospel. It is the best thing when someone applies the gospel in their life. Its something unexplainable but the gospel can heal anything. The gospel can fix anything. In our district meeting this week we talked about promising our investigators promises. If they live a principle of the gospel, we promise them a certain blessing. It works every time. A man in our ward fell and broke his rib this week. He told us that he was in immense pain and he felt that he couldnt do anything to fix it, but then he remembered he could pray, and his pain was tooken away. The next time something goes wrong or something gets hurt, instead of looking for a solution or cure in the world, turn to God and find what you need in the gospel. 

Everyone have an awesome week!
-Elder Nelson


We are working hard. Trying to be the best we can be and have the zone be too. We are focusing more in the end result of the investigating process. We are focusing more in the investigators going to church and marking their baptismal dates. We are finding several great people. We encountered a couple saturday and we were able to teach them and bring them to church the next day! They loved it and accepted baptism. We are excited to help them arrive there. We also encountered a man who has some trouble with smoking. He wants to stop and we promised him that he can through the gospel. He accepted a baptismal date but wasnt able to go to church because of his work. We are learning a lot of the process of investigators and we are excited to use it and help the zone use it too. 

It rained a lot this week. Saturday we saw the rain coming so we grabbed our umbrellas. When the rain hit, it was so strong that the umbrellas did nothing. We got soaked. It was even better that we were with a guy who is preparing to go on a mission. Welcome to the mission. We went to a city that is clost to Dourados, Fátima do Sul. We go there to see if people are ready for baptism. Its a really small group but im excited to help the people and the church there. The members are excited here and we are doing a lot of visists with them. And it helps, a lot. We are excited for the progess of us and our investigators. The gospel does miracles, but only if we believe in it and use it. 

Everyone have an amazing week!

-Elder Nelson

Monday, August 15, 2016


I am here in Dourados now. Its a big city. And its pretty great. There are a lot of awesome members here and a lot of excitement in missionary work. So i am super excited in what will come. 

This week has been pretty crazy with the transfer, travels, learning the area, and taking on the responsibility of a zone leader. My companion, Elder Freire, is on his last transfer and we are trying to make the best of it. There should be some pretty good stories to come as we are fufilling his mission bucket list. 

Its awesome to see people work together. Its horrible to see gossip tear people a part. We all need to judge, the people who we want to be around, and how we can help other people. But sometimes we will judge unjustly, judging the bad things in people. God doesn't teach not judge but, "Open thy mouth" and, "judge righteously"(Proverbs 31:9) When we talk about other people we should look to the best in them, and not look at their weaknesses. Always 'Judge righteously' and not gossip. I know that we should love everyone, look the best in them, and be united with them, and we will be extremely blessed. "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there i am in the midst of them."(Matthew 18:20)

Everyone have a great week!

-Elder Nelson 

Monday, August 8, 2016


So I am being transfered to Dourados. I will become a zone leader there. Its an area that ive visited several times already and i am excited, ive heard great things about it. 

This week has been great. We have worked very hard these couple transfers and it has been amazing. I have learned so much here in Maracaju and ive learned to love everyone here. It will be tough to leave but I know the Lord is calling me to Dourados. 

Everyone have an amazing week!

-Elder Nelson


We started english class this week. We put up a banner in front of the church recently with our number and we have a lot of people calling us. We had 7 new people come to the class this week. It was super cool. These people are really cool and we are excited to continue with them. 

We have so much work to do. Its so great to fill our plates with the work of the Lord. We are talking to people straight up whats their difficulties with going to church. We are learning not to cut around the bush. This is salvation. This is serious. We are able to address many people difficulties with talking to them straight up. These are our brothers and sisters, we need to talk to them as brothers and sisters.

I love this work. I love the Lord. Everyone have an amazing week!

-Elder Nelson


We headed out to Dorados this week. We did a split there and also a zone meeting. We learned a lot togethere. A lot about teaching. We are now bettering our teaching to help more people. The better we teach the more the investigators and us learn together. (D&C 50:22)

We tested our spiritual power this week and are working more to find those prepared. We were able to have 3 new investigators at church yesterday which was super awesome. It was great to help them around and learn. 

We talked a lot about agency with a member this week. We are free to choose good or bad. This is the gift God gave to us. This is the gift that Satan tried to take away from us. But we cant create our own path. We cant choose some good some bad. We cant choose an eternal destiny that God has not prepared. Which at sometimes seems like we dont have agency. But we really do, this is the beautiful thing. We must trust God that His plan is the best, and that He knows the best. We must use our agency to choose His plan. And at the end of His plan, and only HIS plan, we become capable of choosing our eternal destiny. (Heleman 14:30)

-Elder Nelson

Monday, July 18, 2016


I went to a meeting with some leader of the mission. It was really good. We had a lot of trainings and we are ready to make the mission better now. It should be great.

One of the things I liked that we talked about in the meeting is prayer. I learned a lot about prayer. Ive been thinking about prayer a lot lately and the will of God. Ive been thinking if God wanted something to be done wouldnt He just do it? But one of the things that stood out to me in the meeting is that prayer unites our will with God's will. It was an answer that i was needing. Through prayer and fasting, we can unite our will and desires with God's. Ive learned the importance of praying to God about every person that we are teaching and working with. He really answers prayers. 

Everyone have an amazing week! 

-Elder Nelson​

Thursday, July 14, 2016


The week was a good week of hard work. We printed the ward directory a couple of weeks ago and are finding and organizing the list. We are learning the importance of keeping records and organization. Everyone needs to be noted for in the church. Everyone needs to be visited every month. This is the church of Christ, everyone needs to know they are part of it wheather they are active or not. It makes us so sad to meet people who are inactive in the church and say they dont want to return because they feel like they aren't a part anymore. This is the true church. We need to make the sacrifice to keep everyone accounted for. No one is left out in God's eyes. 

We are working so much with marriage. Here, many people have the happit of staying together but not getting married legally. Mainly because it costs a lot. But what many people dont know is there is a way to marry for free. We are making this knows and helping many couples with marrage. The family is ordained of God. Its is one of the most important things that we have. We need to give importance to this. 

Everyone have a fantastic week!

-Elder Nelson


So we found out that transfers were last week. It was a surprise for us. We are alone in the city so we dont recieve much news. It looks like we are here alone for another transfer. But it will be great, we are loving it.

Our teaching pool is gigantic. We are trying to find ways to use our time on those who have potencial, those who want to progress. We encounter many who like our visits, like the messages, but few who really want to change their lives. The ones who really want to change their lives for the better, are the ones we are looking for. 

We are working more with the branch and the more we work with the members, the better the work is. Almost all of the references we recieve from members are those who want to progress. And almost all those who we visit with members will progress. Alone, us missionaries can do many things, but with help from the members, we can do all things. 

I love the work that we are doing here. I love the church. I love the spiritual power we can recieve through prayer and fasts. The gospel is perfect made for the imperfect to be perfect. Can you imagine something more perfect?

Everyone have a great Fourth of July and a great week!

-Elder Nelson

Monday, June 27, 2016


I cannot describe the great things that we are experiencing here.
Never have I felt God more in my life before. It is the best
experience when the situation allows us to teach completely through
the Spirit. To be teaching someone with tears in our eyes and tears in
theirs, feeling the love of God through our words and the Spirit, is
the best. People comment what they feel when we are in their house.
They feel something different, something better. There is nothing
better than the work of God. Nothing better than being an instrument
in His hands. The more that we accept His will and obey Him, the more
He will use us.

We are performing miracles. I love this work and I love the gospel.
And I know that the only way we can know and love this work is through
living it.

Everyone have an amazing week!

-Elder Nelson

Sunday, June 26, 2016


When Christ was on the earth He taught about those who pertain to His
gospel, will have their burdens liftened and their lives will be
filled with peace. More and more every day I am learning of this. This
last week has probably been the week in which I worked the hardest on
the missions. We were able to meet most of our goals and excel some of
them by more than 30%. We are so happy to see our progress and the
progress of those that we are working with. The more we work the more
happiness and peace we find.

Yesterday in church we talked about those who found the truth but lost
thier ways. We talked about the conversions and how their is a social
conversion and a spiritual conversion. The church is perfect, the only
thing imperfect are the members. So we need to help those strengthen
their relationship with the gospel and also have good realtionships
with those that are in the gospel with them. This way they can be
strenthened and remain strong in the gospel.

Everyone have a great week!

-Elder Nelson


We are working hard trying to work our best and find those prepared
for the gospel. And we are finding them. We started this week with a
trip to Dorados and a zone conference that was pretty good. We are
talking with everyone and teaching several people. It is amazing to
see the gospel put in action.

Yesterday we had branch conference. It was great, the stake president
came and talked about temples and marrage. And gave us Elders a task
that will change the city if it goes right. We learned yesterday in
Elders Quorum about true greatness. We can learn about this perfectly
in Christ. We can look for worldly greatness and seek to obtain, which
reward will only be temporary. Or we can look for true greatness and
seek to give, which reward will be eternal.

We taught about fear to some investigators, which lesson really stook
to me. Everyone knows right from wrong. But everyone makes the mistake
of choosing what is wrong when they know its wrong. Several of us have
fear to give our all, to do everything that we know is right. But only
now am I starting to learn that only in giving our all, can we find
all of ourselves. True peace, true happiness, and true love, only
exist in our best. The opposite of fear is faith and if we have faith
that in our best, we will have reward, we will find it. So have faith,
and be the best that you know.

Everyone have an amaing week!

-Elder Nelson


We worked hard in the rain this week. It seemed to be nonstop all
week. But it was fun. Its the fun part of the mission. We were able to
find several new families this week and several less active members.
We are teaching everyone about the Restoration of the gospel, whether
it be new or old news to them. We teach the importance of its
occuring. We are working more with the branch, having meetings
frequently and having visits with the members. We are working to unite
the branch, uniting the relationship between the members and between
the members and the investigators. Everyone needs friends. Everyone
needs to be united in the gospel.

We are seeing miracles and are so happy to realize them.

Everyone have an amazing week!

Elder Nelson

Wednesday, June 1, 2016


So one by one, everyone in my district left and my new companion Elder
Craig arrived. We spent the first week contacting a lot of street
contacts that we had and introducing Elder Craig to a lot of the
members. Sunday, we had stake conference in Dorados. So we took a bus
early with the branch, watched stake confrence, and returned. It was
pretty good. They are exciting the members to try to split the stake
into two. So it was a good conference. We also had Mission Confrence
in Ponta Porã. So we took another bus there and had Mission Conference
Yesterday. Its was awesome. We will work hard to make goals, and put
our investigators on these goals, and we are promised baptisms. We are
excited for this.

When i was in Alta Floresta my companion Elder Donato and I found a
family. They are an awesome family but we taught them several times
and they still wouldn't visit the church. The husband always said,
"One day, we will go." We decided to give them one more chance and
that time he said, "We will go this Sunday." Since then, the family
hasn't missed one Sunday. My companion and I were both transfered but
happy to hear the news that they were all baptised and stronger than
ever in the church. I learned from this experience that no effort is
worthless in the Lord. The Lord has a plan and in His hands, we can do

-Elder Nelson


Transfer today! Everyone in the district will be transfered, except
me. I will stay in the city alone with my new companion, Elder Craig.
Its going to be rough, I know little of the other area. But it should
be good. We will work hard and we will facilitate miracles I know it.

We were able to meet several new people this week. It has been a
transfer of hard work, trying to find the people prepared by the Lord.
It has been difficult, the area has some difficulties, but we now will
work super hard and make these difficulties our strong points.

I know this is the Lords work. I know we have

Monday, May 16, 2016


We had another rainy week! It has been a little difficult finding
people this week in the rain. Everyone seems to disapear in the rain.
But it was still great.

We were able to make goals with a lot of people. We learned a lot
about barriers that we set in our own lives that stops us from eternal
progression. It hurts us to see our investigators fall into temptation
when they know what is right.

In our lives we are surrounded by temptations and sometimes they seem
more than we can bare. But i know that if we could just have a little
strength, enough to get on our knees, and pray for the strenth to
resist those temptations, God will give us the strength to resist any
temptation that we have.

I know this church is true. Everyone have a great week!

-Elder Nelson


Its been awesome this week. We are meeting a lot of new people, a lot
of great people.

We met a woman who is real interested in learning more. She is super
cool and loves to hear the messages. We are excited for her and see
her progress.

We met a great family. They have a few doubts but they are great and
smart. We are helping them resolve their doubts and are excited to see
what will happen.

Its been great to work so hard and see miracles happen. There is no
better place than in the service of the Lord.

-Elder Nelson

Tuesday, May 3, 2016


It rained last monday and afterwards, it got cold! It was a surprise.
We had to pull out our sweaters! But it was good. We had a great zone
meeting in Dorados. It was good to see the one and have some
trainings. We had another good english class, we are having more
people show up every week. Its bringing people which is awesome. We
focused on contacts this week. We are trying to talk to everyone and
invite everyone to come unto Christ. We are seeing blessings and are
loving it here! Everyone have a great week!

Elder Nelson

Monday, April 25, 2016


This week has been great. We are working to do the standard of
excellence our president has established. The hard part is 40 street
contacts per day. So we are having to talk to every person. Its fun
but its difficult. But it works. We are working with several less
active members. There are about 60 people going to church but about
170 houses registered as having members, some houses of 5 members. So
there is a lot of inactivity and we are working towards a ward. Its

We started an english class here. It was pretty awesome. I think im
becoming a pretty good teacher after all of these classes. But the
more i teach the more i realize that i am forgetting somethings. But
its awesome. The first class had a great result and there are a lot of
people interested. More people are interested in english class than
recieving our visits.

We will travel to Dorados today for a zone meeting which will be held
tomorrow. It should be a good trip and an uplifting meeting. Im not so
excited to travel again but im excited to have the meeting.

-Elder Nelson

Monday, April 18, 2016


Maracajú is awesome! Im loving it here. After one plane ride and 3 bus
rides i finally arrived. And im loving it here. Its a small city of
about 40,000 and they have a branch here. There are so many awesome
members and people here.

The church has been in the city for quite some time, about 40 years
ive been told. And the church unit is still a branch. So we are going
to work hard for a ward. We are starting Project Ward which will help
the branch work towards being a ward. We are excited and the members
are going to be too.

The city is awesome. The people are awesome. Im excited to be here.
And im so excited to help.

Everyone have an amazing week.

-Elder Nelson


So i will be transfered to Maracaju! I will leave tomorrow and i will
be the district leader in that city! It will be great!

This week was great. We were finally able to move out of our house and
into the new appartment. It was a little difficult, especially with
the large wardrobes. But it all turned out great in the end!

I loved my time here in Alta Floresta. I love the people here. It will
be sad to leave but the Lord has His plans. The church is so true. And
it doesnt matter the city, the people, or the time frame. God doesnt
change. He has always called prophets and He will continue to call
prophets. He leads and guides His church in our day and how greatful I
am to be a part of it.

Everyone have an amazing week!

-Elder Nelson

Monday, April 4, 2016


General conference was amazing! We had the first general conference
here in Alta Floresta! It was a little difficult to set everything up
but in the end, everything worked out great! We were able to enjoy the
first transmitted general conference in Alta Floresta.

This week has been great. We are seeing more and more miracles every
day. We are doing splits to learn from each other and it is going

I loved the words of the prophet and the aposltes this conference.
They were so awesome to hear. I loved learning of the Spirit and how
what they said is true. We need to be searching the Spirit and
trusting Him. Sometimes in our lives we will trust in ourselves, in
our knowledge. But whats important, is that we trust in the Spirit.
Because nothing spiritual can be learned without Him. Its beautiful
doctorine. Everyone have an amazing week.

-Elder Nelson

Monday, March 28, 2016


Every week the potential grows here in Alta Floresta. Several people
are making the commitment to the Savior and following Him. There are
several people who are visiting the church and seeing how good it
really is. The hard part is going the first time, to take that first
step. But a lot of people who do dont want to look back.

Easter was great. It was great to teach people of the importance of
easter. The importance of the Ressurection of the Savior and not only
His death. There is so much to learn of Him. His life didn't start
with His birth neither ended with His death on the cross, but lived
and lives today. Just as we will.

Everyone have a great week and an amazing general conference!

-Elder Nelson

Monday, March 21, 2016


This week has been amazing. We were able to help out with an activity
of the Relief Society. It seemed to turn out pretty good. Even better
that our investigator went. We also had a surprise of someone we
taught weeks ago show up at church. It was pretty great to see
someone. I love so much introducing someone to the church and showing
them how it is and how it goes.

We found out that the owner of our house sold our house so we are
being forced to move. But it really isnt foced because we have been
looking for a new house ever since i got here. When it rains, it
almost rains more inside the house than outside. But we think we found
an appartment that will work just great.

I cannot explain how much I love being here. There is truly something
special about being on the Lord's mission. He loves and blesses us so
much. Just seeing Him work through us is a blessing enough. There is
no greater work than the Lord's. The time flies by so fast. Of course
im anxious to return home but i wouldnt trade this time for anything.
I am so greatful that God loves us young men so much that he gave us
this commandment, this two years to serve Him.

Everyone have an amazing week and an awesome easter. And don't forget
to say Hallelujah this year.

-Elder Nelson