Sunday, October 30, 2016


General conference! We watched general conference this week and it was great! I always have a hard time understanding because i see their lips speaking english, i hear english in the background, but there is portugese in the front. But other than this confusion, it was super great. There were tons of great talks that can help each one of us. 

"When we sincerely repent, our sins disappear without a trace." The most amazing thing that has ever happened in our history is this fact. Through Christ, we can progress. Without Christ, we would be lost. I love the opportunitiy that i have every day to share this doctorine. Doctorine so simple but so deep. We have the capability to obey every commandment that God gives us, It just depends on our desire. We need to want to obey. And when we dont obey, we have the opportunity to sincerely repent and continue on the path of eternal progression. 

Everyone have a great week! 

-Elder Nelson

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