Monday, August 8, 2016


We headed out to Dorados this week. We did a split there and also a zone meeting. We learned a lot togethere. A lot about teaching. We are now bettering our teaching to help more people. The better we teach the more the investigators and us learn together. (D&C 50:22)

We tested our spiritual power this week and are working more to find those prepared. We were able to have 3 new investigators at church yesterday which was super awesome. It was great to help them around and learn. 

We talked a lot about agency with a member this week. We are free to choose good or bad. This is the gift God gave to us. This is the gift that Satan tried to take away from us. But we cant create our own path. We cant choose some good some bad. We cant choose an eternal destiny that God has not prepared. Which at sometimes seems like we dont have agency. But we really do, this is the beautiful thing. We must trust God that His plan is the best, and that He knows the best. We must use our agency to choose His plan. And at the end of His plan, and only HIS plan, we become capable of choosing our eternal destiny. (Heleman 14:30)

-Elder Nelson

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