Monday, January 11, 2016


This week was great. We are beginning to have a lot of rain.
Apparently this year has been really dry here but now its starting to
rain like normal, its crazy. When it rains, it rains. Which makes it a
little more interesting to work. But its real nice to get some rain to
cool down the heat.

Now starts the last week of the transfer so we are setting goals to
make it the best for the next transfer. We are pretty excited. It
should be good, this week. We had a good turn out in the church
yesterday. We were able to get the help of the members building the
church building, with their car. We were able to pick up some of the
members in our area and also some investigators. Our area is a little
complicated and a lot of people dont have cars so if they want to get
to chuch they have to walk the minimum one hour. But we were able to
help them this week. The men building the church said it will be
finished the 20th. So we are excited. Well i hope that i can be here
to see.

Well everyone have a great week. Until the next,

-Elder Nelson

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