Monday, December 7, 2015


Well President Oliveira came to visit our city this week! He arrived
and he began to tell us our transfer. So the other companionship in
the city will be leaving and it will leave Elder Bodily and I to work
in the city for three weeks. Elder Bodily, my companion, recieved the
position of district leader and i recieved the position of senior
companion. After three weeks, at the Christmas Confrence, we will pick
up our companions. Which are pretty new, with only 2 transfers each.
So it should be a pretty fun transfer, we are pretty excited.

We worked with a lot of people this week and met a lot of people on
the road. We are searching for those who are seeking the truth. But
for now, it is a little difficult. But we wont give up we will keep on
searching. This week was great, it was really spiritual and amazing.
We are seeing the church come up and we are seeing a lot of potencial
in people. The church is being restored and people are being brought
back to the truth, I know it. I hope everyone has a good week! Us
three for three weeks!

-Elder Nelson

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