Saturday, September 26, 2015


This week we had some challenges. Some challenges with some people we
are teaching and some challenges within our own district. But
everything turned out great. I was able to learn a lot about the
atonement and how it applies to us indivitually and in everything.

God loves every single one of us, the sinner and the righteous. He
loves us all. We all have problems, difficulites, challenges, and
weaknesses. But the atonment, what Jesus Christ payed for us, is there
for each one of us. For us to improve. This is what life is about.
Bettering ourselves in ways that we cant do ourselves. We cant do it
ourselves. We need His help. And all we have to do is ask Him and

This week we had american day! Where we did things american and ate
american food (to the best of our abilities.) And today is
independence day of Brasil so it should be great!

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