Saturday, September 26, 2015


After several week of gaining trust, we were able to have the baptism
of one of our investigators this week! It was super awesome to prepare
this for her and to see her nonmember family get really happy for her
and see her baptism.

My new companion is pretty crazy. He is super excited all the time so
its cool! We are going to do great things this transfer! And the new
american is from South Carolina, Elder Brown, so its pretty cool to
help him and introduce him to Brazil. I have a little trouble speaking
in him and english and dont remember how to say some things in enlish
but its all good!

There is nothing better i can be doing right now. And nothing i could
do, and all the potencial that we have, is impossible without the
atonement. Jesus Christ gave us everything. So im happy to do some
part to give back to Him. Love Him back! And i know you will recieve
the pure love of Christ and experience a type of happiness that you
never knew existed! 
 -Elder Nelson


Today is the day of transfers! i will stay but my companion, Elder
Neves, will be leaving to Ponta PorĂ£, to the ward where i was! So
thats good for him, im excited for him. And my new companion will be
Elder Chaves, from Peru! So i am excited to work with him! And Elder
Batista will be training a new american misionary so it will be cool
to help him with that!

This week was pretty great! We did a lot of contacts and met a lot of
awesome people and families! It is alwasy amazing to meet a family
that wants to learn more and unite their family more. We met a lot of
amazing people so we are planning to have a lot of baptisms. I am
super excited for this next transfer. Here we go! Everyone have an
amazing week!

-Elder Nelson


This week we had some challenges. Some challenges with some people we
are teaching and some challenges within our own district. But
everything turned out great. I was able to learn a lot about the
atonement and how it applies to us indivitually and in everything.

God loves every single one of us, the sinner and the righteous. He
loves us all. We all have problems, difficulites, challenges, and
weaknesses. But the atonment, what Jesus Christ payed for us, is there
for each one of us. For us to improve. This is what life is about.
Bettering ourselves in ways that we cant do ourselves. We cant do it
ourselves. We need His help. And all we have to do is ask Him and

This week we had american day! Where we did things american and ate
american food (to the best of our abilities.) And today is
independence day of Brasil so it should be great!

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Tuesday, September 1, 2015


My companion did one year this week! So we were able to celebrate his
one year with a little cake! This week has been amazing. We were able
to meet a family this week who has been seperated by religion. Every
member of the family has a different church. And when we were able to
talk with them about the restoration, the one true church, the same
church that Christ organized, centered on families, it was really
awesome to see their happiness. We also met a lady who has several
questions about family and marrage and we were able to explain the
Plan of Happiness our Father in Heaven has for us to be sealed for
time and all eternity to the ones we love.

So this week i was really able to focus on marrage and families. And i
remember our meeting with our area president. Families are more
important than we can ever comprehend. The family is where God, the
husband and the wife meet. The gospel isnt created for man or for
woman, it is created for families. For happiness. And there is no
happiness greater than a family in the gospel of Jesus Christ. Im so
happy to be a missionary, to bring this message of complete happiness
to families. There is nothing better i can be doing right now. "The
family is ordained of God. Marriage between manand woman is essential
to His eternal plan. Children areentitled to birth within the bonds of
matrimony, and to be reared by a father and a mother who honor marital
vows with complete fidelity. Happiness in family life is most likely
to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus

So i wish good luck to my twin sister Amber this week as she starts
this lifelong journey.

-Elder Nelson