We had the opportunity to invite one of our investigators to baptism and he accepted! So we have a baptismal date this saturday for him and we are super excited for him! Its hard when we go to peoples houses and ask them to change their lives. Its not easy at the slightest. If they have been drinking coffeee, smoking, or drinkin alchohol for years its not easy or convenient to stop! But they stop because they feel the Spirit testify that this is the true church and most of the time know that its not what they should be doing. Doing what the Lord wants of us is not easy, but it is definitely worth it!
This week was full of spiritual experiences and me and my companion have been talking a lot about the gospel. The gospel is so perfect. Everybody has doubts at one point in their life about the gospel. But its so important that we dont dwell on our doubts and let that ruin our faith. Its so important to not feed our doubts with the internet and false sites, rather than study the scriptures. Every single one of my doubts and the doubts of people that we meet have been answered in the scriptures. I honestly think the church is meant to have some things to make us think. If the church was obviously in every way the right church, everyone would join it! No one would have to seek the truth. Its so important that we love the Lord and find him in everything. Everything points directly to Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father. Every little thing. Every night we end up walking on the street at night and i end up looking at the stars and the moon. Its perfect.
Hope everyone had a good week! Have another good one!
-Elder Nelson
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