Thursday, July 30, 2015


We had a festa de Julinho this week at the church! It was pretty cool, a bunch of food and dancing. Of course i couldnt dance though, im a missionary. But it was awesome! We helped set it up with tons of banners and little huts of palm tree branches! It was pretty cool! There was a lot of miracles that have happened with us finding people to teach, more like them finding us! Its amazing, people are prepared by the Lord to hear the truth, all we have to do is share it with them, Its everyones job as members of His church. The rest of this week should be great. The last week of the transfer! 

There is no greater happiness than in the gospel. The more we learn about it, the more we share it, and the more we love it, the more we will understand our Heavenly Father´s love for us and understand our purpose. The gospel and normal life, there is no difference. Too many of us seperate these things when we need to put them together, the gospel first and let it guide our lives. Live it and love it! 

Here in Brazil we move mountains with our faith! Well, brazilian mountains!

Everyone have a great week! 

Tuesday, July 21, 2015


We had a family night with a family this week that was awesome. It is so good to see people strengthen each other in the gospel. A small testimony or a big testimony, it doesnt matter. It is so great to see people make commitments and such sacrifices just based on the knowlege that they know the Book or Mormon is true, or that Joseph Smith was a prophet! Because thats all we need to know to grow our testimonys! It is so amazing to see!

The gospel is true! I cant express it enough! There is no better way to know it then to learn about it! 

-Elder Nelson

Monday, July 13, 2015


A lot of great things happened this week! First we had a zone meeting where we talked a lot about obedience in faith and dispensations and how God doesnt change. God always wants us to have the gospel in our lives. But there are so many times when people reject it and God takes it from the earth until we are ready to recieve it again. He then calls prophets who talk to Him through prayer and He talks to them through revelation. This happend so many times throughout time with Adam, Noah, Moses, and so on. 

I also had the awesome opportunity to go help out with an english class at a college. We have a member in our district who teaches an enlish class and he wanted me and the other american elder in our zone to come and talk to the class for a day. It was super fun and a super cool experience to do that! When i talked about the States so many were really interested. We have no idea how lucky we are in the States to have so much luxuries! I now know this! 

The best part about this week was the baptism we had saturday! It was so awesome to see Alef from when we first met him, up until his baptism. He made so many changes to follow his Savior. So much sacrifices, he is such a great example! I cannot explain the complete happiness that i felt during his baptism and confirmation! It was incredible!

Everyone have an amazing week!

-Elder Nelson

Monday, July 6, 2015


It has been an amazing week! We went to Cuiabá this week to have a confrence and meet with the new mission president! President Oliveira! It was awesome to meet him and his wife and they are great people. We are super excited and happy to have them, it was a great confrence!

We had the opportunity to invite one of our investigators to baptism and he accepted! So we have a baptismal date this saturday for him and we are super excited for him! Its hard when we go to peoples houses and ask them to change their lives. Its not easy at the slightest. If they have been drinking coffeee, smoking, or drinkin alchohol for years its not easy or convenient to stop! But they stop because they feel the Spirit testify that this is the true church and most of the time know that its not what they should be doing. Doing what the Lord wants of us is not easy, but it is definitely worth it!

This week was full of spiritual experiences and me and my companion have been talking a lot about the gospel. The gospel is so perfect. Everybody has doubts at one point in their life about the gospel. But its so important that we dont dwell on our doubts and let that ruin our faith. Its so important to not feed our doubts with the internet and false sites, rather than study the scriptures. Every single one of my doubts and the doubts of people that we meet have been answered in the scriptures. I honestly think the church is meant to have some things to make us think. If the church was obviously in every way the right church, everyone would join it! No one would have to seek the truth. Its so important that we love the Lord and find him in everything. Everything points directly to Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father. Every little thing. Every night we end up walking on the street at night and i end up looking at the stars and the moon. Its perfect. 

Hope everyone had a good week! Have another good one!

-Elder Nelson