Monday, May 18, 2015

5/18/15 and Pictures

RondonĂ³polis has been pretty great! It is a lot hotter here so that is fun! I recieve my new companion, Elder Alvis. He is a great Elder. He is a brazilian so it is great to talk portuguese to him all the time. But he is also learning english so it is great to help him out with that. Our area is way bigger than my old one so we walk a lot! But its good!  

The bus ride was fun! I took two busses 8 hours each! And i had the awesome experience of making a friend on the bus! There was a guy next to me on the assingned seats and i was able to talk to him a lot! I found out he is a doctor from bolivia! We were able to talk a lot about religion and i was able to teach him about the book of mormon and the restoration! I gave him a Book of Mormon and a Restoration pamphlet too! It was great to meet him, he was an awesome guy!

We have some awesome people we are teaching. We are able to visit one guy who speaks 6 languages including ingles. So it was good to talk to someone in ingles after a few days of only porguguese! I live in a house with 3 brazilians! So it is pretty fun. I rarely see americans, only on pday like today where i see other elders in the zone that are americans. It is pretty great. 

This is our water supply every day! And as you can see, my old house here didnt really have a ceiling!

Those little wires you see are our heat! We dont have water heaters so no warm water for the tap!

Me saying goodbye to all the friends i made in Ponta PorĂ£. 

Me and our awesome member friend who would help us with everything.

Me in my rede(hammock)

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