We had a few people stop us on the road this week asking who we are and what we do. We were able to talk to them about what we do and the church. One person asked us what mormon is. We explained that he was a prophet. She then asked if he was a prophet in the bible. We said no... she then didnt want to hear what we had to say. Haha but we eventually could finish what we were saying that he was a prophet in a record called the Book of Mormon. And that God wants everyone to hear of the gospel and He talks to all people. We were able to make an agreement and get her address to teach her more.
Families are probably the most important thing on the earth! We were able to testify of this several times this week. The family is the most central part of the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is the most important unit in the world. The family is where everything starts. The family can be eternal. The family is where we should focus most our efforts. Times to strenghten our families in any way are times spent worth more than anything in the Lords eyes.
We had the opportunity to have zone confrence this week and it was awesome! We talked a lot about potential. About how everyone has extrodinary potential. Potential that no one can comprehend. And most of us limit ourselves by what we see others doing around us, what we believe our limits are, and other things. But realisticly, we have potential way beyond than what we can comprehend. We were made this way. God made us so we can grow. There is never a point where we will stop growing. There is always room for improvement and potential.
-Elder Nelson