I was able to help with a baptism this week! It was so amazing. It is amazing how much the Spirit resides at a baptism. It just testifies how important baptisms are. My mission had set the goal for 100 baptisms in the month of March and we were able to meet that goal and surpass it with more than 100 baptisms. It has been an amazing experience to participate in. To help many of God's children learn of His will and make that covenant with Him.
In Mesa we have this awesome thing called the Easter Pageant! Its basically a play on the life of Jesus Christ! It is so amazing to go to and have this event to go to! We also are grateful to have a temple close by in the mission and a visitors center! It's so great!
I have been reading Jesus the Christ and studying the life of Christ recently. It is so great. The part i was studying this morning was when Jesus was fasting for 40 days and Satan was tempting Jesus. Satan tempted Him 3 times with doubt, misguidance, and pride. But every time Christ was able to be victorious over Satan. What i realized is how true it is that Satan uses those 3 things to tempt us also! Doubt: doubting there is a God or doubting His power, Misguidance: misinterpretation of scripture or thinking we are doing something right when we are not, and Pride: being caught up in the world and forget who gave us everything. But if we could be like Christ, and remember and understand our purpose, we can not fall into temptation!
-Elder Nelson
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