Monday, December 12, 2016

Missáo Brasil Cuiabá

Missionary Training Center (6 weeks)

It was like drinking from a fire hose as we explained it. It was crazy, but super spiritual. All of the studies and all of the food! The weekly devotionals, weekly temple, missionary choir, service projects, and unlimited letters and boxes. I will never forget it.

Mesa, Arizona (6 weeks)

The first area in the field. I had the opportunity to use an ipad and a car. We had a temple and a visitors center close by to use to our advantage. We had a miracle march. The entire mission tried to find people to reach the goal of 200 baptisms in march, and we did it. There were a lot of members and a lot of great people. We had the easter pageant, a show about the life of Christ. I passed in Mesa at the best time.

Ponta Porã (5 weeks)

Brazil! Different language, different food, and different culture. It was a huge shock for me. I had a lot of headaches because all of the confusion I had. A lot of the time I just had to nod my head and agree to what what was happening. Weird grass drinks that everyone drinks and a lot of crazy, friendly people, where am I?

Rondonópolis (24 weeks)

Heat! I started to understand portuguese. I got to serve in a branch that is having meetings in a rented house. There was a church being constructed that we got to help prepare for. We did a lots of service projects and got really nice tans.

Alta Floresta (24 weeks)

Almost in the jungle! Tons of birds, animals, and forest! Literally the name of the city is tall forest. We had our meetings in a school until we were able to rent house to have our meetings in. It was a super awesome experience, the church was really new there. It was a new branch. It didnt even have a district because it was so long from other church units. It belongs to the mission this branch. I loved it.

Maracaju (17 weeks)

The church was old in Maracaju but is still a branch. We had a lot of challenges but we worked super hard. A lot of planning and a lot of numbers. I worked the hardest i have worked in my life. But we had fun at the same time. 

Dourados (18 weeks)

The golden city. We were having meetings at a rented house but we were able to prepare with the ward to move into a church building that was made for the ward. It was great. Everyone was excited for the new building and when it was dedicated, everyone was super happy. 

My mission was the best thing. I learned to live and love the gospel. I got to know Jesus Christ. 

-Elder Nelson


We had open houses this week, the dedication of the new church building, and we had our first meeting in the building. It was a spiritual experience really strong. Several people cried and shared their experiences of how hard they have worked to earn the building. Im so glad that i was able to see the building constructed, dedicated, and used. I will miss Dourados.

We invited tons of people to see the church building and this was the week that our zone worked the hardest. We were all able to meet the standard of excellence. We are all happy.

Everyone have a great week!

-Elder Nelson


This week should be exciting. We have open houses Tuesday to Friday and the dedication will be Saturday. Finally we will be able to open the new church building. We are excited to invite everyone and use this opportunity to its maximum. 

We had a mission conference this week and it was pretty great. We talked a lot about the Spirit and the Book of Mormon. They both are essencial tools in conversion and without them, no one can recieve a longing conversion. 

Trials are essencial to our progression. It seems like things get more difficult at times but God is giving us what we need to progress. We are on an eternal progression. We are made to be tested and tried so we can grow. Only through the acception of these trials we can truly accept our devine potential. We should appect the challenge and not back down. There are several tasks in our lives. And we are to work until we accomplish them. Through these things we will learn that in the sweat of our face shalt we eat bread, untill we return to the ground.

Everyone have an amazing week! 

-Elder Nelson


We had an open house on the 15th and it was great! It was awesome to see the church building, its really cool. We had a lot of visits and we grabbed a lot of people on the road to show them the church. A lot of people loved the building and we were able to meet a lot of great people through showing them the church building.
We are meeting a lot of great people and we are excited to see them progress. It is so great when we meet someone that really wants to change. We can't progress if we dont wan to change.
We were able to bring a few people to church this sunday and the experience was great. It was a lot of work but we are learning every day that after the trials of our faith, we can recieve the blessings that we deserve.
Everyone have a great week and an awesome thanksgiving!
-Elder Nelson


The 15th we will have our first open house for our new church building. We are excited to see the building. It seems like everyone has seen the building except us. But we are inviting everyone to the open houses. We are talking to several people every day inviting them to see the church. Everyone is excited. We have one member who is leaving to Africa this week and another who opened her call to serve in Chile.

We are trying harder to focus on our investigators that want to progress. There are several people that we meet that dont understand what we teach and dont understand our purpose. We want to move their lives for the better. We aren't just there to tell them about our church. 

There are several tests that we will face in our lives. And the most of them will come in times of difficulty. When we are in a difficult time we will be tested to see if we will follow God or not, and according to our choice, He will bless us or not. We are seeing this every day in our work. We encounter several people in hard times and God puts us there to see if they will listen. Sadly, very few choose God in these moments. Very few pass their tests. But those who do are blessed immensly.

Everyone have an amazing week!

-Elder Nelson


We made a Jack-O-Lantern this p-day. It was a fun experience. We put it in front of our house and we had several people passing by, talking about it, and taking pictures. It was a good day.
We are trying to do our best here as the new church building approaches. We should be having a lot of open houses starting the 15th and we should have the dedication the 2nd of December. We are all super excited and we will work hard.
We are planning to invite everyone in the city, well all that we can. We will print thousands of invites and we will give to everyone we see. It should be a lot of work but it should be good.
Everyone have an amazing week!
-Elder Nelson


This week has been great! I got a little sick with a throught infection but everything turned out great. We worked super hard this week and we were able to baptise 3 of our investigators! We are super happy!

Transfer came in today and it looks like i will stay here! We are excited because about all of us will stay and we are going to work hard this transfer and do our best!

We talked a lot in church yesterday about when we have the spirit and what leads us astray in the church. We need to seek to love everyone, and Always seek to have the influence of the spirit in our lives. If we are living in a way that we feel negative things and feel lazy, we arent living the way that we are supposted to. The Spirit uplifts and with Him we will feel only good things. This is the way we should live our life. This is the way we should evaluate our life frequently, Do we have the Spirit?

Everyone have an amazing week and an awesome Holloween!

-Elder Nelson