Monday, March 28, 2016


Every week the potential grows here in Alta Floresta. Several people
are making the commitment to the Savior and following Him. There are
several people who are visiting the church and seeing how good it
really is. The hard part is going the first time, to take that first
step. But a lot of people who do dont want to look back.

Easter was great. It was great to teach people of the importance of
easter. The importance of the Ressurection of the Savior and not only
His death. There is so much to learn of Him. His life didn't start
with His birth neither ended with His death on the cross, but lived
and lives today. Just as we will.

Everyone have a great week and an amazing general conference!

-Elder Nelson

Monday, March 21, 2016


This week has been amazing. We were able to help out with an activity
of the Relief Society. It seemed to turn out pretty good. Even better
that our investigator went. We also had a surprise of someone we
taught weeks ago show up at church. It was pretty great to see
someone. I love so much introducing someone to the church and showing
them how it is and how it goes.

We found out that the owner of our house sold our house so we are
being forced to move. But it really isnt foced because we have been
looking for a new house ever since i got here. When it rains, it
almost rains more inside the house than outside. But we think we found
an appartment that will work just great.

I cannot explain how much I love being here. There is truly something
special about being on the Lord's mission. He loves and blesses us so
much. Just seeing Him work through us is a blessing enough. There is
no greater work than the Lord's. The time flies by so fast. Of course
im anxious to return home but i wouldnt trade this time for anything.
I am so greatful that God loves us young men so much that he gave us
this commandment, this two years to serve Him.

Everyone have an amazing week and an awesome easter. And don't forget
to say Hallelujah this year.

-Elder Nelson


We were able to have 5 investigators yesterday at church. It was super
awesome. We are so happy and excited for the people that are
progressing and the family that we are working with.

We are happy to see progress in our work despite the difficulties. It
has rained a lot this week and has been difficult to get to places but
we were blessed either way. We were able to teach with the Spirit
several times this week. It has been amazing. I am so happy that i can
put my life more and more in order so i can be an instrument in the
Lord's hands. It is amazing to be able to feel the spirit to the point
of tears. I cannot describe the importance of searching the Spirit in
all things. To have this feeling, changes your life. And the more you
feel it, the more you will change and the better you will be.

Everyone have an amazing week.

-Elder Nelson

Monday, March 7, 2016


The first week of a new transfer! It has been great with plans for the
better. We had to say goodbye to our good friend Elder Bodily and
hello to our new friend Elder Cardoso in our district. It has been a
good week.

We were so happy to see a family that we have been visiting for some
weeks now visit church sunday! They seemed to like it too! We are so
excited for Nivaldo and his family!

After the mission tour, things are getting crazy. We are cracking it
down with a new standard of excellence and we are trying to do our
best. Our district wants to do better and we will try to do our best.
This transfer will be a great one.

Everyone have a fantastic week,

-Elder Nelson