Monday, June 29, 2015


We had district confrence this week and it was awesoeme! It was the last time that we will see and hear from our mission president, President Reber. He has been an amazing president and it is so sad to see him leave. But it is happy that he will get to be with his family. And we are excited for our new mission president. All the missionaries in the north will go to Cuiaba this week to have a confrence with the new mission president so i am excited for that! 

We have been teaching some awesome people. Some people that have definitely, without doubt, have been prepared by the Lord. Its so amazing to see them listen to what we have to say and keeping the commantments and the commitements that we teach them. Its not easy. One thing that President Reber talked about is doing difficult things. Keeping all the commandments that we do is difficult, the word of wisdom, the law of chastity, the law of tithing and fast. None of those is easy! Especially in the world today! But its amazing as we prayerfully and willingly strive to obey them, the lord will help us in ways we would never know. I know this without a doubt. Ive seen it in so many peoples lives!

Everyone have an amazing week!

-Elder Nelson

Monday, June 22, 2015


Found out i will be staying in Rondonopolis for another transfer with my companion Elder Alves! We are super excited for this opportunity to work together again and do the best we can! It is my first second transfer in an area so this should be awesome now that i know the area and the people. This should be an awesome transfer!

Yesterday we sent off an elder in our appartment, Elder Izquirdo. He finished up his mission this week and is heading back to his house in Columbia as we speak! He was an awesome elder and it was super sad to send him off but really exciting for him to go and continue his life! 

We are super excited for this upcoming weekend where we have district confrence! Where President Reber, our mission president will be there along with Elder Bednar! We are trying to get all our investigators to go so they can have an opportunity to have this awesome experience! 

It was awesome this sunday! It is so amazing to see people come to church and keep their commitments. We were able to have a lot of people come to church yesterday. Even a less active who hasnt come for months. Its a happy day when someone returns to church. And the second they do, they realize what they have been missing all that time they have been away. They can feel the same feeling they felt earlier in their life. It is never too late to come back! Never too far away to return to the loving arms of our savior. And coming to church is never too uncool. Its one of the best things you can do!

Everyone have an amazing week!

-Elder Nelson


Last week of this transfer! We will see if i stay, if my companion stays or what will happen sunday!

We had a talent show this week! It is always great to have talent shows in Brazil! Seems like they have them often here in the church! So many cool talents it is awesome! We were able to do a skit as missionaries and it was cool! 

We had a meeting with the zone and found out that Elder Bednar will be coming to the district a week after this next sunday! So that would be awesome if i stay and get to see that! Maybe talk to him and shake his hand...

Had a lot of awesome experiences this week! Lot of cool things happen with a lot of lessons, exchanges and so on. It was a busy week! Always staying busy here on the mission but it is an awesome busy!

We have one member who isnt active in the church anymore because of some doubts. We try to teach him but there are some answers to his questions that not even we know! But everyone has doubts. Questions are good but doubts can cause you to stray from the truth. It was doubt that satan used to tempt Jesus. Using the word if. Doubts can cause several problems. Satan uses doubts on each of us. But it is important to stick with the foundation of what we know, the things we have felt, the experiences we have had. We cant let little doubts get in the way of our progression. We must stay firm in what we know. And when we stay strong and not dwelling in our doubts, we will be blessed and all of our questions will be answered in the last days.

-Elder Nelson

Monday, June 8, 2015


Another great week! We were able to work a lot this week! And able to meet a new person who we are now teaching! It has been awesome! 

Theres a lot of ups and downs on a mission. Its like a roller coaster ride. There is a lot of excitement but also a lot of disappointments. When people are improving and quitting bad habbits it is so exciting and amazing. Then when people dont make commitments like they say they will and dont come to church. It can get sad! But we dont give up on them and they will next time!

Yesterday at church we talked a lot about sacrifice. And how this is a gospel of sacrifice. It always has been, since the time of Adam down to Jesus Christ, even Joseph Smith to us! They may have made sacrifices differently back then but it is all the same. We are required to give broken heart and a contrite spirit. This is not a church where we can just walk in on sunday, sit down and zone out for an hour our two, and then go home back to whatever it is we are doing. It is the TRUE church. It requires faith. And faith requires works. We are required to be willing and ready at any moment to sacrifice anything for the Lord. We are in the beginning of the last dispensation. The Saviors coming is closer and closer every day. Are you ready? Are we all acting on our faith, not just believing that God exists but going to church and engaging in His work? I know that if we do we will be blessed immensly and we will see His love in our lives more than we could ever imagine.

Have a good week everyone!

-Elder Nelson

Monday, June 1, 2015


This week we had the awesome opportunity to have one of our investigators, Marias, baptism! It was so awesome and the Spirit was so strong. It was different because the baptismal font was outiside! In the back of the church which is like a big house! It was awesome though, a great experience!

Here in RondonĂ³polis it is hot! So every time we are walking we try to stay in the shade! It gets pretty fun at some times! 

We were able to contact this week several of the references we recieved and were able to get a few new investigators! We are really excited for these people and cant wait to share more of the gospel with them! 

This week has been great and the next will be too! So you all have a great week also! 

-Elder Nelson