Lots of excitement this week! We had the opportunities to prepare two baptisms this week! It is amazing to be able to see these people who are ready to make this commitment. Baptism is so important. They are both excited and ready to act on their faith and get baptized.
I love these people and it is going to be sad when I have to leave! But that is one of the great things about the gospel, we will see each other again! Its one of the best things to know! I have am inside source from a missionary who serves in a ward with the sister of my mission president in Brazil that says my visa is done! So thats exciting! No official news though!
Every day I have the opportunity to study for 4 hours. One personal, one companion, one training, and one language. How great is that! Time set aside to learn! My favorite hour is probably personal study! I love to study out of the scriptures! There is so much great things to learn! There is so many things on this earth. So much you can do. But only very few things can we take with us and help us after this life. Studying the scriptures and gaining knowledge from them is one of those things! The things we can learn will help us in both this life and the next! The Book of Mormon is so amazing! There is so many great things to find in the scriptures! And the only way to know if what i'm saying is right is by doing it! So go find out!
-Elder Nelson